Endocrinology: Adult and Pediatric 7e
Considered the definitive source in its field for over 35 years, Endocrinology: Adult and Pediatric, has been thoroughly updated to reflect today’s recent advances in adult and pediatric endocrinology. Unique perspectives from a team of trusted, world-renowned experts ensure this medical reference book remains the most highly-regarded text in the field. “…deserves a large and universal audience, as it is a superb textbook as well as a substantial and scholarly reference source for all those with an interest in this field.” Reviewed by glycosmedia.com, May 2015
Make the best clinical decisions with an enhanced emphasis on evidence-based practice and expert opinions on treatment strategies. - with the aid of a more focused, concise bibliography.
- , while still getting the complete coverage you expect, with two streamlined, manageable volumes.
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