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Retaining its logical organization, body systems approach, and focus on word parts, word building, and word analysis; this 4th Edition of A Short Course in Medical Terminology reflects current medical usage and is now even more concise, student-friendly, and accessible. This edition features an enhanced art and design program, a more standardized chapter structure, and a vast array of in-text and online learning resources that help students master the language of medicine as they prepare for practice in today’s rapidly changing healthcare environment.
eBOOK AVAILABLE. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more.
MODERNIZED AND MORE APPROACHABLE. This edition reflects today’s practice environment and has been rewritten to be even more user-friendly for students.
INCREASED ALIGNMENT WITH A&P TEXTS. The chapter on special senses of sight and hearing (formerly Chapter 15) now appears directly after Chapter 7, The Nervous System .
UPDATED. Pronunciations match those in Stedman’s Medical Dictionary but are shown phonetically to reflect the book’s focus on oral communication.
IMPROVED! The full-color art program—now even more accurate and contemporary—features new photos, illustrations, and figures with enhanced text-art integration.
STANDARDIZED: To facilitate learning, key elements in each chapter (headings, study tables, end-of-chapter exercises, pronunciations, side bars, and quick checks) are now presented in a standard format.
STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION SECTIONS use full-color illustrations to help students learn basic anatomy and physiology.
CASE STUDIES connect chapter material to clinical settings through real-world applications of medical terms,
IN-TEXT LEARNING AIDS include learning outcomes, study tables that summarize terms, Abbreviations tables that list common Abbreviations and their meanings, and end-of-chapter exercises that help students master key terminology and word parts.
A Short Course in Medical Terminology Fourth Edition
by Judi Nath (Author)
Paperback: 432 pages
Publisher: LWW; Fourth, North American edition (January 31, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1496351479
ISBN-13: 978-1496351470
Product Dimensions: 6.9 x 0.8 x 9.8 inches
TẢI VỀ: Định dạng PDF – 432 trang – 25 MB – Google Drive
Nguồn: https://sachyhoc.com/a-short-course-in-medical-terminology-fourth-north-american-edition/